Category Archives: Discussion

Q. Why aren’t presents opened in front of the giver?

Q. Why aren’t presents opened in front of the giver? Answer: There are scenes in American movies where a person receives a present, quickly rips off the wrapping and uncovers the present. Even a present nicely wrapped in beautiful Christmas wrapping paper is roughly ripped off. Many Japanese viewing the scene cannot help but feel […]

Q. Why is money always wrapped when given?

Q. Why is money always wrapped when given? Answer: Except when purchasing something, many Japanese feel that it is impolite not to have money wrapped when handing it to another person. Money is usually wrapped in paper or placed in an envelope when given to someone. Monetary funeral offerings and monetary gifts for congratulatory occasions […]

Q. Why don’t the Japanese invite people over to their homes?

Q. Why don’t the Japanese invite people over to their homes? Answer: The average size of a Japanese house, as seen by people from other countries, is extremely small. American homes that appear in American movies, no matter how ordinary, all appear to be spacious compared to the cramped conditions of Japanese homes. This makes […]