2017年12月号 : エイゴパス 月刊ニュースレター

英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
Business English <ビジネス英語フレーズ>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – <今月のコラム>
You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher. — この記事を読んで先生とレッスンで話し合おう!
World News

Italy bakes world’s biggest Christmas cake panettone

Forget mistletoe, Christmas is not Christmas in Italy without a slice of panettone. And festivities kicked off in Milan with free slices of the biggest Italian candied cake in the world. Weighing in at 140 kilograms, the two-meter high marvel was sliced up into 1,200 pieces for sweet-toothed tourists and locals near the city’s Gothic cathedral.

“Panettone is the Christmas dessert par excellence. Fashions may change, but panettone remains an unshakable tradition,” Angelo Bernasconi, owner of the San Gregorio patisserie behind the giant dome-shaped delight, said.

Making a standard-size panettone is no easy feat to begin with. From start to finish, the entire baking process clocks in at 32 hours, according to Bon Appétit.

To make the world’s largest panettone, bakers at San Gregorio had to use a special oven—over 60 centimeters high—and bake the bread much more slowly in order to ensure it cooked through.

“It tastes good, but a little different from usual. It’s a little dry, otherwise it would collapse,” he added.

panettone パネトーン(イタリアのケーキ)
misletoe ヤドリギ
festivities 祝祭、行事
candied 砂糖漬けの、砂糖煮の
marvel 驚くべきこと、驚異(巨大なパネトーンのこと)
sweet-toothed 甘党の
par excellence ずば抜けて優秀な(フランス語)
the giant domeshaped delight 巨大なドーム型の喜び(パネトーンのこと)
to begin with 第一に
clocks in at… …かかる(時間が)








Japan News:

Japan’s most popular sake brand runs unusual message on a newspaper ad

On December 10, Asahi Shuzo, which usually doesn’t spend much on high-profile advertising, took out a full-page ad in the Yomiuri Shimbun.

“A request. Please do not pay a high price for our sake. – Kazuhiro Sakurai, President and CEO, Asahi Shuzo”

It’s an unusual stance for a company to take, but Sakurai believes it’s an important message to send. Like a lot of sake breweries, Asahi Shuzo only directly sells its products to a select number of retailers and wholesalers. Asahi Shuzo also insists that they sell Dassai, their most popular sake, at the brewer’s suggested retail price.

However, there’s nothing stopping other companies from buying Dassai at the suggested price and then reselling it for as much as they want/shoppers are willing to pay.

As Dassai’s popularity has skyrocketed over the last few years, Sakurai has seen supermarkets and liquor stores charging prices far beyond what Asahi Shuzo thinks is appropriate.

What’s more, Sakurai feels that the time spent going through extra links in the expanded distribution chain negatively impacts Dassai’s flavor. “This is nothing for customers to be happy about, and we ran this ad to inform people of the situation.” He said about the higher price and asserted lower quality.

high-profile 目立った、人目を引く
stance 構え、姿勢
brewery 醸造所
retailers and wholesalers 小売・卸売業者
skyrocketed 急騰する
appropreate 適切な
what’s more その上
expanded distribution chain 拡張した流通ネットワーク
asserted 断言する、主張する


「お願いです。高く買わないでください」― 旭酒造株式会社 代表取締役社長 桜井一宏





  New! Learning through News Videos
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
sugar-coat 「体裁をよくする」
A couple of decades ago, ruthless bosses ran companies without sugar-coating their approach.


  sugar-coatは「砂糖でコーティングする、体裁をよくする、見かけをよくする、(悪い知らせなどを)うまく控え目に伝える」という意味の動詞。本文ではwithout sugar-coating ~を「~を体裁をよくすることをせずに → 遠慮なしの~で」と意訳。他にも、The finance minister didn’t sugar-coat his budget plan.「財務大臣は予算案の体裁を取り繕わなかった」のようになる。
sharp elbows 「肘鉄」
It takes sharp elbows to climb the corporate ladder in the first place and, once in the job, leaders must make unpopular decisions, from killing underperforming initiatives to firing employees.


  sharp elbowsは「肘鉄」。本文では、It takes sharp elbows to ~の形で「~するには肘鉄をくらわすように他人をおしのける強さが必要」と意訳。なお、(sharp-)elbowは動詞としても使う。意味は、「肘で突く/おしのける、肘でおし分けて進む」。sharpは省略できる。例えば、Lisa (sharp-)elbowed me out of the way.「リサは彼女の邪魔にならないよう私をおしのけた」、Jim (sharp-)elbowedhis way through the crowd in order to get through.「ジムは人混みを通り抜けるため、肘でおし分けて進んだ」のように使う。
 また、elbow someone out 「(グループやオフィスなどから~を)肘でおし出す」、give someone the elbow「~と縁を切る、~を首にする」という決まった表現もある。
 climb the corporate ladderは「出世階段を上る」。
ビシネス英会話 go out of one’s way to ~ 「~するために努力
 Do you go out of your way to show your spouse you care?
  go out of one’s wayは「自分の道からそれる、回り道をする」。そこから、go out of one’s way to ~ は「わざわざ~する、~するために格別の努力をする」という意味となる。他にも、Don’t go out of your way to drive me home.「わざわざ車で家まで送ってくれなくていいです」のように使う。

Check your understanding by selecting the correct answer below: 
Read each of the following of sentences and select the best answer. Print out this lesson plan and ask your teacher to assist you in understanding the grammar rules if you do not understand your mistakes..
Part V – Multiple Choice ( Incomplete Sentences )
1. The technician ______ repairs on the machinery, so production of the X220 will resume when she has finished.
A. making
B. had made
C. will have been made
D. has been making
6. ______ the advice of the board of directors, Mr. Longman did not vote to support the merger.
A. Amid
B. Against
C. Besides
D. Except
2. Questions about the exhibit should be directed to Mr. Stanley, the museum’s leading ______ on eighteenth-century art.
A. authority
B. station
C. advantage
D. example
7. At the end of next month, executive Tracy Nakagawa ______ the kitchen at the Hokulea Café for ten years.
A. has supervised
B. will have supervised
C. had been supervising
D. is supervising
3. The security badge needs to be activated ______ the end of the day.
A. before
B. under
C. still
D. as
8. According to industry experts, it is highly ______ that Aakster Inc. and NT&J Technologies will announce plans to merge in early May.
A. probable
B. confident
C. advisable
D. potential
4. Currently, the most ______ task is to finish designing the new corporate logo since no new publications can be printed without it.
A. exclusive
B. enclosed
C. essential
D. eligible

The producers are still waiting for network ______ to broadcast the television show for another year.

A. approved
B. approves
C. approval
D. approvingly
5. Construction will begin on the new water park ______ all city permits are authorized.
A. as soon as
B. due to
C. during

up to

10. Sales of Fonseca electronic equipment have been increasing steadily ______ the past five years.
A. from
B. toward
C. by
D. over
Check your answers!
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.members.eigopass.com/TOEIC/Vol.5/Part 2/TOEIC Vol.5 Part 2 Quiz 3/quiz.swf” width=”636″ height=”480″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.members.eigopass.com/TOEIC/Vol.5/Part 3/TOEIC Vol.5 Part 3 Quiz 3/quiz.swf” width=”636″ height=”480″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]
NEW! – Learning Western Cultures and Humors through Jokes!!

Exactly what you said

It was Christmas Eve. A poor old lady was sitting alone, except for her cat, in her tiny house, in front of a small fire.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and the old woman’s good fairy appeared in the room. The old woman was astonished, but the fairy reassured her:

“Don’t be afraid! I am your good fairy. You are very poor, and all alone on Christmas, so I have come to grant you three wishes, to cheer you up.”

The old woman was about to speak, but the fairy held up her hand.

“Wait!” she said. “Before you make a wish, think carefully! You will get exactly what you wish for, and no wish can be undone!”

So the old woman sat silently, staring at the fire and thinking. Eventually, she spoke:

“First”, she said, “I want to be very, very wealthy.” Poof! Immediately, the tiny house was packed with pots full of gold coins, and sacks of bank-notes. There was more money than anyone could spend in an entire lifetime. The old woman looked around and smiled.

She thought some more, and spoke again: “Next”, she said, “I want to be young and beautiful again, like I was when I was 18.” Poof! The old woman disappeared. In her place sat a beautiful young woman, with smooth, white skin and long, golden hair. The woman looked at her hands and arms, felt her hair, and smiled.

“Third”, she said to the fairy, “I want you to change my cat into a handsome young prince, who will love me and take care of me all my life!” Poof! The fairy disappeared, and the cat leapt up from his place by the fire as a handsome young prince.

He reached out to the woman, pulled her to her feet, embraced her, and kissed her passionately. Then he gazed into her eyes and said: “Hah! Now you’re really going to be sorry that you took me to the vet!”








ついに口を開き「まずは、とてつもない大金持ちになりたいわ」と言いました。ポワン!! 一瞬で小さな家は金貨と通帳の山でいっぱいになりました。それは一生を通しても誰も使い尽くすことのできないほどのお金でした。お婆さんは周りを見渡し微笑みました。

お婆さんはもう少し考え言いました。「次に、また若く、美しくなりたいわ、私が18歳の頃のように。」ポワン!! お婆さんはいなくなり、お婆さんが座っていた場所には、白いスベスベ肌で、金色の長い髪をした美しい女性が座っていました。その女性は自分の手や腕を見て、髪を触れて微笑みました。

「最後に、私のネコをわたしを一生愛して、世話をしてくれる若くてカッコいい王子様にして」ポワン!! 妖精はいなくなり、ネコは暖炉の近くの居場所から飛び上がり若くてカッコいい王子様になりました。
