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BEIJING (Kyodo) -- A group of Japanese business leaders are meeting Monday with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng in Beijing to explore bilateral economi [...]
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The oldest person to ever live is a local resident of Peru’s Andean mountains, according to a claim by Peruvian officials. Marcelino Abad was born in 1900 and is 124 years old, the Peruvian government says. That would make Abad by a distance the oldest living person..
The oldest person to ever live, according to Guinness World Records, is Frenchwoman Jeanne Louise Calment. She died aged 122 in 1997. Guinness verified her age.
Peruvian authorities say they are helping Abad apply to Guinness to independently verify his age. If his age is verified, he will be the oldest person to ever live.
Celebrating his 124th birthday on April 5, Abad says his secrets to vitality include a diet rich in fruits, as well as in lamb meat, according to a statement issued by his pension program.
He also made a habit of chewing coca leaves, a tradition in Andean communities.
The most popular career for first-year elementary school students in Japan this spring is to work in a bakery or cake shop, according to a survey released in early April. The survey was conducted from May 2023 to February 2024 by school bag maker Kuraray.
When families buy a Kuraray bag ahead of the start of elementary school in April, the boys and girls are asked what they want to be. The survey has answers from 2,000 boys and 2,000 girls.
Topping the charts for boys and girls combined was “cake shop worker/baker.” Second and third places went to “police officer” and “athlete,” respectively. The top three spots were the same as for the previous year’s survey.
By gender, “athlete” was top among boys at 16% of respondents. For girls, “cake shop worker/baker” was the top at over 20%, for the 26th year in a row.
男女別にみると、「スポーツ選手」は男子の間で1位で、回答者の16%だった。 女子は、「ケーキ屋で働く人/パンを焼く人」が20%以上で1位となり、26年連続で1位だった。
- Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age and business! 新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
go out of one's wayは「自分の道からそれる、回り道をする」。そこから、go out of one's way to ~ は「わざわざ~する、~するために格別の努力をする」という意味となる。他にも、Don't go out of your way to drive me home.「わざわざ車で家まで送ってくれなくていいです」のように使う。
dampenは「湿らせる、(人の)気をくじく/意欲をそぐ、(元気や熱意などを)鎮める/弱める」。他にも、The bad weather dampened my sprits .「悪天候が私の熱意をくじいた」のように使う。 なお、形容詞dampは「湿気のある、じめじめした」。同義語に、moist「湿った、湿気の多い」、humid「(天候、空気などが)湿っぽい、湿気の多い」があるが、不快感が高いのがhumid、次がdampで、moistは軽い不快感があるときに、あるいは不快感を伴わないときに用いる。
big wordは「(長ったらしくて)難解な言葉、大げさな言葉」という決まった表現。bigには、「大きい」の他、「重要な、大がかりな、有名な、(態度が)偉そうな、立派な」などたくさんの意味がある。例えば、big guy「大物、偉い人」、big name「有名人、お偉方」、big-head「うぬぼれ屋」はよく使う表現。
TOEIC Part5の文法を攻略して高得点を狙おう!
A wealthy lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two women along the roadside eating grass.
Curious, he ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate.
He asked one woman, “Why are you eating grass?”
“We don’t have any money for food,” the poor woman replied. “We have to eat grass.”
“Well then, you can come with me to my house and I’ll feed you,” the lawyer said.
“But sir, I have a husband and two children with me. They are over there, under that tree.”
“Bring them along,” the lawyer replied.
Turning to the other poor woman he said, “You can come with us also.”
The second woman, in a pitiful voice then said, “But sir, I also have a husband and three children with me!”
“Bring them as well,” the lawyer answered.
They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as the limousine.
Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, “Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.”
The lawyer replied, “Glad to do it. You’ll really love my place.”
“The grass is almost a foot tall!”
2人目の女性は言いました。 「しかし私にも夫と3人の子供もいるのです。」
– ニュースレター –