2011å¹´4月号 – April’s Study Newsletter




英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
American Idioms & Slang<アメリカのイディオム&スラング表現>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – A Foreigner’s Life<今月のコラム:外国人の生活>
英語ポイント 最新記事: From Western eyes 外国人から見た今の日本とは?
–You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan faced renewed calls Thursday for his resignation from within and outside his ruling bloc even as he sought cross-party cooperation in tackling Japan’s worst postwar natural disaster.

Sadakazu Tanigaki, head of the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party, said at a news conference that it is time for Kan himself to decide on whether to resign, and criticized the premier for his handling of relief work since the disaster hit last month.The March 11 earthquake and tsunami ravaged across northeastern and eastern parts of Japan, killing more than 13,000 people and leaving close to 15,000 others missing as of Thursday, and crippleda nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture.‘‘To continue under the current leadership would be extremely unfortunate for the people,’’ Tanigaki said, while Kan’s government convened the first meeting of a panel tasked with devising a reconstruction plan for the disaster-hit areas.



Q. Do you think Prime Minister Kan should resign? /管首相は辞任すべきか?

A. I personally think politicians will find any excuse to promote their own agenda and use any means necessary to further their own career with little consideration to helping the very people who elected them to office. All I see from the current government system in Japan is bickering and criticism. When one party does something, the opposition will criticize them without providing their own "solutions" to the issues.

Rather than pointing blame at this moment in time, politicians and all governmental organizations need to find ways to promote harmony instead of division. Unity in place of separation.

I do not approve of the overall handling of the government response, Tepco, and of Prime Minister Kan. However, these are unique circumstances in which he is having to deal with, so it is better to allow him time to perform the duties he was elected to do.



A. Lets see… 2006 Shinzo Abe, 2007 Yasuo Fukuda, 2008 Taro Aso, 2009 Yukio Hatoyama, and currently our "reigning champion" and incumbent Naoto Kan… It seems that we change prime ministers more often than we change cell phones! Do I think prime minister Kan should resign now? I resoundingly have to say no.

Do you change tennis players in the middle of a match? Do you subsitute a golf player in the middle of a tournament? Do you quit your job when another colleage criticizes you? I think we need to have patience and allow him to follow through at least to the term he is elected to do. If at that time that it is deemed by his peers that he has performed poorly, that is a decision he will have to make. I just don’t want to see someone quit so easily.




Ishihara easily wins reelection / Tokyo governor takes 4th term

Tokyo Gov Shintaro Ishihara secured his fourth four-year term in the gubernatorial election Sunday, held a month after the March 11 devastating earthquake struck northeastern and eastern Japan, according to election returns.

Ishihara, 78, beat contenders including former Miyazaki Gov Hideo Higashikokubaru, 53, Miki Watanabe, 51, founder and former chairman of restaurant chain operator Watami Co, and Akira Koike, 50, chief policymaker of the Japanese Communist Party.


  Q. How do you feel about the Tokyo Governor election results? /都知事選の結果?

A (ç”·- 32æ­³): I was really disappointed when the results came out. I truly felt and continue to feel that we need new change and leadership in Tokyo. When I read that Ishihara said he would implement necessary disaster-preparedness measures in Tokyo during his new four-year term and also sticking to the policies he has taken in the past 12 years, I felt sick to my stomache.

Why did you not implement "necessary disaster-preparedness" in your last 12 years if you feel that it is not sufficient now? I think we will continue to use "old" policies for the "new" generation.



A. 投票の結果を聞いたら本当にがっかりしました。東京に新しい指導や意志が必要だと信じています。4回目の任期に必要な防災を実施すると石原は約束しましたが、必要だったら前の任期になぜ実施しなかったのでしょうか?何かを変えなければなりません。新しい世代に古い対策が続くと考えるとイライラします。

A (女- 39歳): Honestly, I felt that Ishihara had done a good job in his last three terms. However, I was hoping for somebody new who could bring more energy to the post. I feel Ishihara is too old to bring anything to the table.



A. 実は今までの石原知事の三期に対しては満足しているのですが、今期はもっと勢いのある人が選ばれることを期待していました。石原は年をとり過ぎて、新しい案はもう出せないでしょう。

"Japan has never experienced such a serious test," said Takeshi Sasaki, a political scientist at Gakushuin University. "At the same time, there is a leadership vacuum."

New York Times: “Never has postwar Japan needed strong, assertive leadership more — and never has its weak, rudderless system of governing been so clearly exposed or mattered so much…”

Media outlets from both within and outside Japan have been reporting a lack of leadership in the face of the worst disaster to hit Japan since World War II. This led us to search the internet to seek Western opinions on the question below:



Q. Who do you believe has exhibited great leadership in Japan recently?

A (女- 26) : I personally believe that I can not look to the government for any form of leadership nor can I think of anyone who has the qualities of a great leader. The people of Japan have been looking to their leader to alleviate their concerns by providing them with support, understanding, and most importantly, information in a timely manner. None of these were exhibited I.M.O. from the prime minister nor any government official.




A (女- 22) : Edano was certainly an inspiration to watch, for the whole country. What was it, 105hours without sleep? I know Edano is not the person we would naturally consider a leader, but he did in my opinion exhibit some of the qualities that I look for in a leader.




A (ç”·- 43) : I think the true leaders are the Japanese people. The citizens of the world can learn a great deal from these strong people. It amazes me how they can remain calm and respectful to their fellow citizens in the face of trajedy. The craziest thing is that they probably do not think their actions show any leadership qualities!




renewed call
新たな提案 : 新たな , 再発した
英語ポイントresignation 辞職{じしょく}、辞任{じにん}、あきらめ、退職{たいしょく}
英語ポイントeven as ~と同時に、~とともに
英語ポイントtackle 〔釣りや登山{とざん}の〕道具、挑む、取り扱う、タックル{スポーツ}
英語ポイントpost – war 戦後{せんご}の
英語ポイントL.D.P. Liberal Democratic Party : 自民党、自由民主党
英語ポイントravage 破壊{はかい}(行為{こうい})
英語ポイントcripple 障害者{俗}、ダメージを与える
英語ポイントbickering 〔ささやかなことについての〕言い争い、口げんか、口論
英語ポイントto deal with ~を相手{あいて}にする、~を処理{しょり}[処置{しょち}
英語ポイントreiging 〔競技などで〕トップに君臨している
英語ポイントresoundingly 鳴り響く、響き渡る、はっきりとした、全くの
英語ポイントdevastating 破壊的{はかい てき}な、壊滅的{かいめつ てき}な
英語ポイントalleviate 〔痛み・苦労などを〕軽減{けいげん}[緩和{かんわ}]する、和らげる
英語ポイントI.M.O. =in my opinion 私の考えでは、私見{しけん}では、思いますに

English through videos with transcripts リスニング力を試そう!

Idioms & Expression
  Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
  -Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
–Carl has asked to speak with his trainer, Samantha Jones. He has gotten alot of feedback on his monthly report from his manager and does not know what to do.–

Hi Samantha, I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.


It really is good to see you again Carl. So how are things going for you ? 


Not bad. How about you?


I can’t complain. You mentioned you had a problem with your monthly report. How can I help you with that? Is it your first report?


Yes, it is my first report. My manager wrote comments all over it with his revisions but I can’t understand all of his comments. I would really like to skill up my skills in writing reports. Can you help me out?


Wow! He tore your report apart! He really is a dedicated manager by all the pointers and advice I see on this report.


I didn’t think the report was that bad initially. I tried to include everything our team had done.


That’s the problem. It’s too long. Here, see, he says, "You’ve thrown everything but the kitchen sink. One page should be the max for these monthly reports. Time is money in business and you do not want to take up too much of others times when reading these. They need to be clear and concise. Most people are preoccupied and have little attention span to read through all the details.

Carl: Attention what?  

Attention span. It means how long someone can pay attention.

上記の会話の日本語訳はこちらをクリック’(印刷可): JAPANESE VERSION
"Skill UP vs Improve" "skill up" の使い方に間違いあり(解説をみる)


English Grammar Study

–This section will cover a broad range of different grammar rules and explanations to help you understand sentence structure and improve awareness of English grammar.

  Continuing to learn different verb + prepositions and how meanings change?「動詞」+「前置詞」で意味の違いを学ぼう!
Here are some examples of different verb combinations:
Go + ? Get + ? Call + ?
-Go back /戻る
-Get through (with)
-Call up
-Go over /繰り返す
-Get together (with)
-Call off
-Go out  /交際する
-Get in
-Call on
Ex:① 文法ポイントI think we made a wrong turn. Let’s go back to where we started.
Ex:② 文法ポイントCould you go over the directions with me again?
Ex:③ 文法ポイントWould you like to go out with me?
-Go back: " to return to a place" → 場所に戻る
-Go over: " to review or do again"→ (動作)を見直す、復習、やり直す
-Go out: "to ask someone on a date" → (人)をデートに誘う
Examples of "Get" + prepositions(前置詞):
Ex:① 文法ポイントLet’s try to get through this project before focusing on another one.
Ex:② 文法ポイントI think we should get together to discuss our problems.
Ex:③ 文法ポイントHurry up and get in! We have a long drive ahead of us.
-Get through : " to finish or complete" → 終わらせる、完成する
-Get together: " to join or meet" → (同じ場所に)集まる、会う
-Get in: " to enter a car, taxi, or room" → (車、乗り物に)乗る
Examples of "Call" + prepositions(前置詞):
Ex:① 文法ポイントWhy don’t you call John up and see if he is free?
Ex:② 文法ポイントThe meeting was called off since the CEO couldn’t make it.
Ex:③ 文法ポイントI was upset when the boss called on me to answer his question.
-Call up – " to make a telephone call" → 電話をかける
-Call off: " to cancel" → 中止、キャンセルする
-Call on: " to ask someone to speak in class or meeting"→(会議やクラスで答え・意見を)問う

Let’s learn how to use the above Verb + Prepositions! <練習問題>

Read each sentence and think which of the above verbs woudl be appropriate.
Do you think we should ____________ the picnic tomorrow since it will rain?
I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Let’s ________________ for dinner.
I feel sorry for Joanne. I hope she is strong enough to _____________ with her work in time.
I asked my manager to _______________ my presentation with me.
The results of our project were not as expected so we had to _______________ and start over.
英語のクイズ Teachers always ____________ students who don’t prepare for class.
英語のクイズ Nobody knows where the meeting room will be. Do you think we should _____________ in front of the station?
英語のクイズ Hi Sarah, you are here awfully early! What time did you _____________ ?
英語のクイズ Let’s call it a day as it is getting late. Let’s _______________ all the points we mentioned tomorrow when our brains are fresh.
Answers to above sentences:
Check back next month for the answers to the above questions. (回答は次月号で掲載します)
TOEICクイズ TOEIC STUDY – 読解問題Part 5 & リスニング問題(Part 2)


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連載コラム:A Foreigner’s Life in Japan (日本で生活する外国人)
  NEW! – My LIFE in Japan (Stories of a teacher) – By "John" (3of 3)

Hi Everyone and welcome to Part 3 of "MY LIFE in Japan"… Actually this is Part 4 as the last month’s blog diary was postponed (put off) due to the earthquake. Before starting this month’s 3rd chapter, I would like to express my sincerest wishes to the citizens of the earthquake disaster zones. My prayers go out to all those affected and wish them the strength and courage to rebuild and recover.

For the entire month of March, I had been feeling a sense of solidarity with the people around me while at the same time experiencing a sense of isolation. We were all going through the same predicament in that so many changes to normal life have been introduced. Some big and some small.


1. Purchase limit of 1 item (tissue paper, yogurt, water, etc…)

2. Electricity conservation (cutting energy usage)

3. Radiation situation and its implications on health concerns.

I also have an awareness of isolation in that I am alone in this new country when I am alone. My parents, friends, and family are all telling me to leave Japan at least for the time being but I can not bring myself to leaving. I can’t put my finger on it but I am compelled to stay.

I understand there are alot of "flyjins" (Fly + gaijin = foreigners who flew out of Japan) who left Japan for safety concerns but I want to stay. I hope that decision is one that I will not regret later. 🙂

I guess in some part, the wave of foreigners who left Japan has its good and bad points. Especially in the field that I am currently working, English teaching, the industry has taken a serious hit. I heard from a friend of mine who is also an English teacher at a major school that they are closing some branches due to the lack of teachers. On the other hand, my class sizes have increased since about 50% of the teachers I work with have returned to their countries creating a shortage of needed teachers.

Some of my students have complained that class sizes are now too big. Usual lesson size was from 4 to 6 students but now there are almost 10 students to a class. I asked my manager to add more classes and reduce the size per class but he mentioned that was not feasible. I feel he should at least reduce the price that students are charged. However, he told me I should focus on teaching and leave the management side to him. I wish managers here would at least listen to their staff more instead of merely brushing off my ideas.

Luckily, I have been getting introduced to more and more private students where I either teach at cafes or via Skype online lessons. This has helped me greatly in establishing my own clientele where I feel that I can be my own boss. I hope, for selfish reasons, that I can continue to teach privately if I get more students so I can follow my own methods to teach the students one to one rather than follow a "generic" lesson structure at my school.

I guess both options have their pros and cons and that I should not complain. I guess that is how I need to adapt my way of thinking…

[Cultural Note 1: The grass is always greener on the other side- I feel this applies to almost any person’s situation. We always imagine things are always better than our own.]

Life for me has not changed so much as my work schedule is relatively back as usual and I am back in the swing of normalcy with my private life. With that being said however, there was a situation this week that made me reflect on my own life this week.

In one of my lessons, a private student of mine told me about her experience on the day of the earthquake which I felt it was a little sad (not in a condescending way) to be honest, but in some ways that I felt it was similar to my own.

She told me that immediately after the earthquake, she noticed many people trying to contact loved ones to see if they were safe or not, but she had nobody to call. Furthermore, when she got home to an empty dark apartment room with books scattered all over the floor and broken glass in the kitchen, she felt a great sense of loneliness and despair. Nobody was waiting for her return nor did anyone call to see if she was ok. She asked me "Who cry if I die". I tried to cheer her up by explaining maybe the phone systems were overloaded but my attempts were in vain.

I learned that her parents divorced when she was younger with both parents remarrying with her living with her mom. She grew distant from her father and her relationship with her mother grew strained year by year to the point that they barely ever speak. Furthermore, she talked about a time when she was going to marry in her early 30s only to have the wedding cancelled weeks before because her fiance’s mother felt she was "unfit" as a wife.

She started crying in front of me while we were in the middle of a coffeeshop which left me in a panic as I did not know what to do. In the U.S., I would "hug" her and attempt to express my support but for some reason I was not sure if that would be appropriate in Japan. Little by little, I am feeling the difference in thinking between the two cultures. Should I be American? Or Should I be more "Japanese"? ( I am not trying to stereotype either culture or belief as unique to a particular race. Rather, I am trying to explain the "mentality" or way of thinking)

It left me to think about where I am in my life. Come to think of it, I too came home to an empty apartment and nobody had called me. Of course I realized that my parents were probably asleep at the time of the quake so it made me feel a little better. Maybe I am thinking too much but where is my position in this world… Had I left everything and everyone behind to come to a country where I would be alone? What does "alone" mean anyways?

I know that I am not "alone" in the sense that I have nobody to care about me as I have new friends here in Japan.. Nonetheless, other than the one person I tried to call after the quake who is a friend I met when I first came to Japan, who here would notice or miss me when I am not here?

In a city with millions of people, who would call me if a trajedy struck? If I were unreachable by phone for some reason or another, who would come to my apartment to check if I were ok? If I were injured in an accident, who would come visit me at the hospital?

Have I changed so much in the last few months to like "solitude" or is it just that this society of "politeness" and "courtesy" promotes an environment where "private" space is important thereby making me less likely to intrude on others’ lives. Am I just thinking too much or over reacting?

Is being "too kind" making me less "friendly"? ok.. stop it. I am getting off track and making myself feel depressed. It is just me….. I need to stop this nonsensical way of thinking.

I guess what I am trying to say through all the jibberish I just wrote is that everyone needs a sense of importance or a feeling that we are important to someone. When something bad happens, we immediately feel that special someone we need to reach out to. However, during normal life, we don’t appreciate these very same people as much.

Why do we do that? Why do we take for granted the good things we have in life?

I think I will TRY harder to show the people in my life how important they are to me and how much I appreciate them. Not only in times of crisis, but all the time if possible.