2014å¹´3月号 – エイゴパス月刊ニュースレター

英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
Business English <ビジネス英語フレーズ>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – <今月のコラム>
You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher. — この記事を読んで先生とレッスンで話し合おう!
World News

Does “Electronic cigarette” help? Or is it harmful? Fear of its popularity among American minors

In recent years, the sales of “electronic cigarettes” in which smokers inhale vapor instead of smoke containing nicotine have increased worldwide.In March, the Los Angeles city council voted to ban all smoking of such cigarettes from restaurants, bars,

and other public spaces.Other major cities like New York, Chicago and Boston had already implemented such similar laws.Municipal governments have moved to inact these laws because electronic cigarettes have become popular among minors and are feared that it can cause health hazards like dependency. In its response, the cigarette industry has argued that “electronic cigarettes are less harmful than traditional paper-wrapped cigarettes and help people stop smoking.”

“We have the responsibility to protect young people and others from second-hand smoking of vapor released by electronic cigarettes that include carcinogens,” said Los Angeles city councilman, Mitch O’Farrell. The bill is expected to be signed and approved by the mayor in the next few days.

One of the problems with electronic cigarettes is that they have become popular among minors as they are thought to be “cool and stylish.” To appeal to them, the manufacturers have released fruity flavors like melon and blueberry. It is feared that due to this, that these minors would unconsciously become “nicotine addicts,” and eventually become smokers of the traditional paper-wrapped cigarettes. New York city council chairman, Christine Quinn says that “it will lead to full-fledged smoking.”



「電子たばこ」役立つ?有害? 高校生ブームで懸念、米国で論争






inhale 吸引する、吸い込む、吸入する
vapor 蒸気
council 議会
ban 禁止する
public spaces 公共の場
implemented 成立済み(法律など)、実施された、実行された
are feared 懸念されている
dependency 依存症
responsibility 責務、責任
carcinogens 発がん性物質
become popular ブームになり、流行になる
appeal 向けの、アピールする、呼び掛ける
unconsciously 自覚のない、無意識に
eventually いずれ、結局
full-fledged 本格的
Japan News:

Regarding Bitcoin, which circulates as a virtual currency on the Internet, the Abe administration made a cabinet decision that it’s not a “currency.”

This was the first time that the Japanese government expressed its view on the handling of virtual currency.

In the response, it said, “Based on law, there’s no precedent that can clearly determine what bitcoin is,” and recognized that it is not subject to any laws or regulations.

Presently, it is not subject to banking laws as well as Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, as banks can’t serve as a broker or open accounts designated for these coins.

On the other hand, the administration also expressed that “there’s no law that prohibits” the use of these coins as a mean of transaction. However, it clarified that if corporations and individuals were to gain profit from the sale of these coins, then it would be subject to corporate, income and consumption taxes.

Finally, it added that the if the coins are used for money laundering, then it could be deemed as a violation of the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds.








circulates 流通する、循環する、回る、広がる
virtual currency 仮想通貨
cabinet decision 閣議決定
expressed its views 見解を示した、見解を表明した
handling of の扱い
no precedent 前例がない、存在しない
clearly 明確に、はっきりと
subject to 対象
presently 現状では、現在
broker 売買仲介
prohibits 禁止する
mean of transaction 決済の手段
gain profit 利益を得れば
money laundering 資金洗浄(マネーロンダリング)
  New! Learning through News Videos
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
I have a firm belief that…

I have a firm belief that what I’m saying is true. It’ll only be a matter of time before you’ll agree with me.

I think everyone will agree with me on…
  I think everyone will agree with me on this. It’s really the best plan of action.
I don’t just think, I know that..
  I don’t just think, I know that this is a good idea. I can’t see anything wrong with it.

I have no doubts that…

  I have no doubts that this will work. It’s our very best option at this time.
ビシネス英会話 自分の意見を通す

I know there are other viewpoints, but…

  I know there are other viewpoints, but I am willing to stake my reputation on this.
ビシネス英会話 控えめに確信を示す

I can’t say I know for certain, but…

  I can’t say I know for certain, but I am quite sure about this.

–This section will cover a broad range of different grammar rules and explanations to help you understand sentence structure and improve awareness of English grammar.
Learning to use: "in case", "unless", and "as long as"

Today we are going to learn how to use "in case", "unless" and "as long as". Each word/phrase can have a similar meaning with one another, so make sure you learn how to use them.

1. in case = ~の場合に備えて
  Ex.1: Ann might call tonight, I don’t want to go out in case she calls.(アンが電話してくるといけないから、出かけたくない)
  Ex.2: I’ll draw a map for you in case you can’t find our house.(私たちの家が見つけられないといけないから、地図を描いておいてあげる)
"in case"は「~のために事前に備えて」という意味で使われます。「もし~ならば」の意味をもつ"if"とは意味が違いますので注意しましょう。
2. unless = もし~でなければ
  "if"つまり「もし~ならば」の正反対として使われます。= if not

Ex 1: Unless I study grammar, I won’t be able to speak English.(もし文法の勉強をしなければ、英語を話せるようにはならない。)

  Ex 2: I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless it rains (もし雨がふらなければ、明日テニスをする)
  Ex 3: You don’t have to go to school unless you want to (もし行きたくないのであれば、学校に行かなくていいよ)
3. as long as = 「~である限り(これが条件である)」
  Ex 1: You can use my car as long as you drive carefully.(気をつけて運転するのであれば、私の車を使ってもいいよ)
  Ex 2: As long as she continues to study hard, she will pass her exam.(一生懸命勉強を続けている限り、彼女は試験に合格するだろう)
  Ex 3: It doesn’t matter how expensive your vacation was as long as you enjoyed yourselves.(楽しめたのであれば、旅行がどれだけ高かったとしても関係ないよ)※"If"に近い形で使われているが、それより強い意味が込められている
"as long as"は「~である限り」という意味を持ち、"if"「もし~ならば」よりさらに強く表現をする時に使われます。
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[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.members.eigopass.com/flashquiz/TOEIC850/quiz17audio/quiz.swf” width=”636″ height=”480″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]

NEW! – Q&A With the sales tax increasing to 8% from 5% on April 1st, do you think that it’s necessary for stores to display both prices with and without sales tax?


(Michael: late 30s male who has lived in Japan for over 15 years):

A: Before anything, I’m upset about the fact that the sales tax is increasing especially when the country’s economy is in a precarious condition with stagnating growth and wages. To make matters worse, there are even plans to further increase sales tax to 10% in the coming years. So, by the stores actually displaying both prices, it can raise the awareness among consumers about how much they’re paying for taxes every time they shop. In doing so, they may become more conscious about their spending, and be more vocal and proactive in challenging the next round of the tax hike.


A: 価格の表示よりも、この賃金や国内企業の実績が中々伸びない不景気と言う中で消費税を上げるのはどうかと思う。また、近い内に消費税が8%から10%に上がる予定がある為、二つの価格を表示することにより消費者の税金への意識が高まり、毎回買い物をする中でどれくらい税金として引かれているか実感できるのではと思う。そのことにより、次回の10%への増税の時にただ受け入れるだけでなく、もっと不安を政府に訴えたり、抗議をするのではないかと思う。


(Alan: early 30s male who has lived in Japan for 6 years):
A: Personally, I don’t really like seeing many numbers when I’m making a purchase especially when they’re not round numbers. I grew up in Los Angeles, and used to just seeing the prices without taxes being displayed next to the item, so I’d rather not see the one with the sales tax included. It depends on the city within LA county, but the sales tax at my hometown is now 9.25%, so I just calculate the total price for the item to be about 10% more than the displayed amount. I don’t get the exact amount, but a rough estimate is fine. If I start thinking too much about numbers and prices, it would just ruin the shopping experience for me and I won’t be able to purchase things like big-ticket items.


A: 個人的に買いものをする時に、たくさんの数字が並んでいるのを見たくない。特にそれらの数字が0や5でない場合。ロサンゼルスで育ち、同都市では商品の隣に表示されている価格は消費税抜きのみのものであり、それに慣れているため、別に税込みの価格の表示は無くても良いと思う。ロサンゼルス•カウンティの中の都市によって消費税は異なるが、地元では今、9.25%なので、買い物に行く時は表示されている価格に10%を暗算している。数字や価格を考えすぎると特に大きい買い物に踏み切れなくなってしまう為、消費税抜きの価格表示のみで良いと思う。