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World News

New Year’s in New York

They say there’s no better place to ring in the new year than New York, and they’re right! Everyone looks forward to the countdown. Head into Times Square for brunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, where you can try to figure out why they are so much in love with Lionel Messi. In the afternoon, visit the Empire State Building. Take a teddy bear to recreate the famous scene from Sleepless in Seattle. Don’t be shy; everyone else has the same idea.

Do you think you have all day to hang around ? You don’t! Night is falling soon, so head back to Times Square. This is where it’s all going to happen: drinks, food, memorable characters, parties and entertainment.

And what entertainment! At around 6 p.m., watch the Times Square Ball being raised on the 25 -story One Times Square skyscraper. Multiple locations around Times Square will have live entertainment leading up to midnight. Or take your chances with the weather and the crowds at street level. Count down together for the Ball Drop. It’s a new year!

Alternatively, take a cruise on New York Harbor to watch the fireworks going off beside the Statue of Liberty. Make a note to do a daytime cruise later to see Ellis Island and the Freedom Tower.

Or start the new year the healthy way – by going on a run. The New York Road Runners Midnight Run starts when the new year does. You have to register to join, but you can do that online. And remember to wrap up warm: Temperatures in the city are usually around 1 degree Celsius.

ring in the new year
figure out
hang around

新年を迎えるのにニューヨークよりもいい場所はないと言われるが、それは正しい! カウントダウンを誰もが楽しみにしている。ハードロックカフェでのブランチに、タイムズ・スクエアへ向かおう。ここはなぜリオネル・メッシにそれほど夢中なのかを理解しようとすることができるだろう。 午後は、エンパイア・ステート・ビルを訪れよう。『めぐり逢えたら』の有名な場面を再現しにテディベアを持っていこう。恥ずかしがらなくて大丈夫だ;みんな、考えることは同じだ。

1日中ぶらぶらするつもりだろうか? そんな時間はない! 夜はすぐにやって来るのでタイムズ・スクエアに戻ろう。ここでは、あらゆることが起ころうとしている:飲み物、食べ物、記憶に残るキャラクター、パーティー、エンターテイメントだ。

そして、何というエンターテイメントだろう! 午後6時頃、タイムズ・スクエア・ベルが25階建ての超高層ビル、ワン・タイムズ・スクエアに持ち上げられるのを見よう。タイムズ・スクエア周辺の複数の場所で、深夜までずっとライブでのエンターテイメントが行なわれる。




Japan News

Hayao Miyazaki wins Golden Globe award

Renowned Japanese anime giant Hayao Miyazaki won the prize for best animated film at the Golden Glove Awards ceremony on January 7th, making his comeback as the winner of a major international contest.

The 124-minute fantasy The Boy and the Heron marked the first time a film by a Japanese director has won the award since the category was created in 2007.

Toshio Suzuki, producer of Studio Ghibli, Miyazaki’s production company, expressed hope that the win will provide “bright news” amid misfortune events in Japan since the start of the year.

make a comeback
bright news




New! Learning through News Videos
Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>

- Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age and business! 新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!

social butterfly
 There was the social butterfly who spent her days flitting from desk to desk


social butterflyは「社交的な蝶→社交家」という意味。本記事では、オフィスの社交家をflit「ひらひらと動く、軽やかに飛ぶ」を用いて、flitting from desk to desk「デスクからデスクへと(蝶のように)舞う」とうまく形容。ちなみに、動詞butterflyは「(花から花へ蝶のように)移動する」という意味。

 Jerry is running all over Hell and creation to make his boss happy. well promotions are right around the corner and he's a world-class suck-up.


stoicは「冷静な、平然とした」、suck-upは「ごますり屋、へいこらするやつ」という意味の名詞。同義語は、apple-polisher、brown-noserなど。なお、動詞suckには「取り入る、へつらう」という意味があり、通常、suck up「媚びる、へつらう」として用いる。例えば、You don't need to suck up to him.「彼に媚びる必要はない」などのように使う。

 tangible sensation
That every workplace action provided a tangible sensation of winning or losing as part of a system engineered to keep you addicted, thrilled to come back every morning.


 tangibleは「実際の、具体的な」、sensationは「感覚、興奮」。従って、tangible sensationは「実感」。tangibleには「有形の、触れられる」という意味もある。反意語はintangible「無形の、実体のない、触れることのできない」。例えば、tangible/intangible cultural assets「有形/無形文化財」のように用いる。assets「財産、資産」はpropertiesに置き換えることができる。  engineeredは「設計された」、thrilledは「わくわくした、興奮した」。

TOEIC Grammar Practice

TOEIC Part5の文法を攻略して高得点を狙おう!

Learning Western Cultures and Humors through Jokes!!
Blessing or Curse

A Roman Catholic priest is on his way to Rome when he runs into an old childhood friend.

“My goodness, Mary! How have you been?” he says.

“Oh, could be better. My husband Robert and I have been trying to have children for fifteen years, but we are barren.”

“I’m so sorry,” says the priest. “I’m on a pilgrimage to Rome, and I promise to light a candle for you in the great cathedral.”

Mary thanks him, and after chatting a little longer, they part ways.

Five years later, the priest is eating dinner when there’s a knock at his door. Ge opens it, and to his surprise, it’s Mary’s husband Robert.

“I’m so glad I found you!” he exclaims. “Remember that candle you lit for Mary, years ago? Well, My and I now have two sets of twins and a set of triplets – and I just found out she’s pregnant with quadruplets!”

Robert then hands the priest an all-expenses paid ticket to Rome.

“Oh my, Robert!” says the priest. “Your joy is my joy. You didn’t need to give me a thankyou gift.”

“Oh no, it’s not thankyou,” says Robert…
“It’s so you can blow out that damn candle!”









