Prepositions -前置詞(in,at, to等)

  Read the following sentences and choose which preposition fits among in, at, to, or nothing.
■下記の文章を読み、適当な前置詞を【in, at, to, 該当なし】の中から選び文章を完成させなさい。
  1. He lives ________ New York .
  2. She went________ home.
  3. I work________Seattle
  4. He went ________ his friend’s house.
  5. She arrived ________ London ________ 9am.
  6. I’m going to stay ________ my friend’s home this weekend.
  7. He works ________ the hospital.
  8. Why don’t we go ________ the movies tonight?
  9. I’m going to see John ________ Florida this summer.
  10. I got ________ my office earlier than I expected.
  11. She came home ________ early.
  12. We stayed ________ the Westin Hotel when we traveled ________ New York last summer .
  13. They visited ________ Italy last week ________ attend a family members funeral .
  14. She’s going to stay ________ Greece for one night because her flight ________ Australia is not a direct flight.
  15. I’ll be ________ school later today.