Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 25

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 25
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To burst out: to depart quickly (also: to storm out); to act suddenly. For the second definition, this idiom is usually followed by a gerund form such as ‘laughing, crying, singing’, etc.
急に現れる[飛び出す] Ex: I burst out laughing uncontrollably. (私は思わず[こらえ切れずに]噴き出しました。)
To get away: to get free, to escape.
逃げる, 逃亡する Ex: You have no chance to get away. We’ve got you here. (もう逃げられないぞ。おまえたちは袋のねずみだ。)
To get away with: to avoid punishment for.
〔悪いことをしたのに〕逃げきる Ex: Do you think you can get away with driving a car without a license? (免許証なしで運転して無事に済むと思っているのか?)
To serve (someone) right: to receive one’s just punishment. This diom is usually used at the beginning of a sentence after the subject ‘it’.
(人)にとって当然の報い[仕打ち]となる、(人)の自業自得だ Ex: It serves you right. (それは自業自得です。/それは当然の報いだ。/ざまあ見ろ。)
To keep up: to prevent from sleeping; to continue maintaining (speed, level of work, condition, etc.).
夜起きている, 遅れないでついて行く Ex: I was trying to keep up with him in the marathon race. (私は、マラソンで彼のペースについていこうとしました。)
To keep up with:

to have current knowledge of; to understand as an explanation. This idiom should be compared to the meaning of ‘to keep up with’ in Lesson 17.

〔時事・流行・動きの速い分野など〕の最新情報に通じている Ex: Every morning she reads the newspaper to keep up with current events. (彼女は毎朝、時事問題についていくために新聞を読む。)
To stand out: to be easily visible or noticeable (also: to stick out). This idom is used for someone or something that is different from all others.
目立つ、人目に付く、注目を浴びる Ex: You’re standing out like a beacon. (かがり火のように光り輝く存在である。)
To let on: to reveal or tell what you know, to hint.
〔秘密・計画・情報・意志などを〕漏らす、口外する、告げ口する Ex: Don’t let on it was us. (私たちだってことは黙っておこう。)
To go wrong: to fail, to result badly.
失敗する, うまくいかない Ex: The mission went wrong. (任務に失敗しました。)
To meet (someone) halfway: to compromise with someone.
(人)と妥協する、(人)に譲歩する Ex: They wouldn’t accept our proposal, but they offered to meet us halfway. (彼らはわれわれの提案を受け入れようとはしなかったが、妥協すると言ってきた。)
To check up on: to examine with the purpose of determining condition (also: to check on). The noun form ‘checkup’ derives from this idiom.
~を点検する、~を調べる Ex: I’ll go check up on her. (ちょっと様子を見てくるよ。)
To stick up: to point or place upwards; to rob. The second definition of this idiom has the same meaning as the third definition of ‘to hold up’ in Lesson 20.
上に突き出る,〔拳銃を使った〕強盗 Ex: He stuck up his fists and showed his anger. (彼は拳を突き上げて怒りをあらわにした。)
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