2011年12月号- December Business Expressions & Idioms

Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
-Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!

–Sam and Hiroko are having a conversation regarding their company’s need for more office space–

Sam: Have you heard that the head honchos at headquarters are thinking about relocating us to Yokohama?
Hiroko: Yes, I caught wind of it from someone in HR. Supposedly, due to cost cutting measures, we may have to slim down office space.
Sam: Are you kidding? We are packed like sardines as it is! I sure miss the cubicles I had in the U.S. where getting my own breathing room was a non issue.
Hiroko: It is not the space I am concerned about but rather the extra commute. I am going to have to leave my home 30 minutes earlier than usual just to get to work on time.
Sam: Why don’t you move closer to the office Hiroko? Is that doable?
Hiroko: That is simply out of the question. My husband would never go for it.
Sam: You could always find a new hubby, you know… In this economy, it is probably easier to find a new husband than a new job.
Hiroko: I guess these are the sacrifices working women like me have to put up with.
Sam: I wish I could say we were in the same boat regarding the commute but I can actually cut 10 minutes off mine since I live in Shibuya.
Hiroko: I hate you! Don’t rub my nose in it!
"head honcho" 社長、会社のトップ・重役、意思決定者
"caught wind of s.t." 《catch (the) wind of》~の気配{けはい}を察する
"to slim down" 規模{きぼ}の縮小を行う、経費節減{けいひ せつげん}を行う
"commute" 【名詞】通学、通勤 【動詞】 通勤する、通学する
"doable" 【形容詞】~することのできる
"go for s.t." (積極的に)行動する、〔人やものに〕適用{てきよう}される、当てはまる
"hubby" 旦那、主人 (husbandの略)
"sacrifice" 【名詞】〔自分以外のために貴重なものを〕犠牲{ぎせい}にすること
"I hate you" 私はあなたが嫌いです。
※s.t = something  
This Month’s "Janglish" 今回はExpect とlook forward to の違いの使い方を解説します。