Category Archives: Discussion

Q. When you shake hands, who puts out his hand first?

Q. When you shake hands, who puts out his hand first? In business environments today, both men and women are expected to shake hands and there is no rule about who should offer his or her hand first. On a social occasion, however, it is generally up to the woman to offer her hand first. […]

Q. Is “ladies first” still the rule?

Q. Is “ladies first” still the rule? Answer: American boys in earlier generations were taught to always hold open a door for a woman and always offer a woman a seat on the bus. But then came the women’s liberation movement and we are now faced with a new problem. If we hold open a […]

Q. Does a man really have to open doors?

Q. Does a man really have to open doors? Answer: With elevator doors, it is polite to allow others to enter first, but whoever goes first should reciprocate by being sure to push the “open” button to keep the doors open for the person who follows. The person nearest the button panel should ask the […]