Category Archives: Discussion

Q. Why do Japanese women cover their mouth with their hand when they laugh?

Q. Why do Japanese women cover their mouth with their hand when they laugh? Answer: From way back, not baring one’s teeth in front of others when laughing and not opening one’s mouth wide and showing the inside of the mouth was one of the decorums of etiquette strictly observed by women. It was strictly […]

Q. Why do the Japanese eat so fast?

Q. Why do the Japanese eat so fast? Answer: There is a saying in samurai tradition that mentally prepared the samurai warrior for war: “eat fast, defecate quickly and dress quickly.” This tradition seemed to have carried over to the Japanese military where meals were said to have been consumed in a hurry. The Japanese […]

Q. Why do the Japanese slurp when eating?

Q. Why do the Japanese slurp when eating? Answer: There is an expression in Japanese, shita zutsumi wo utsu, or, to smack one’s lips when eating something good. Making a sound when eating something with relish is apparently the same in Japanese as in English. Although making unnecessary noises when eating is considered rude even […]