Category Archives: アメリカに関するQ&A

Q. What sort of business cards are used in America?

Q. What sort of business cards are used in America? Answer: A business card usually gives the name of the person first, then his position, and the firm he works for. At the bottom of the card are the various addresses and numbers of phones, faxes, and e–mail contacts. The following is a standard form, […]

Q. Is there much “after hours” entertaining?

Q. Is there much “after hours” entertaining? Answer: Before the bubble burst, it seemed that Japanese businesspeople were busy virtually every night entertaining clients. Now that some retrenchment has taken place, the difference between America and Japan is not that great. Still, with the exception of top–level executives, the American businessperson does not spend much […]

Q. What exactly is “sexual harassment”?

Q. What exactly is “sexual harassment”? Answer: First of all, sexual harassment is no laughing matter. Any attempt to treat such behavior as unimportant or insignificant is a mistake in terms of etiquette and, increasingly, in terms of legal responsibility. If there is harassment in an office, it creates a bad working environment, and can […]