2011年5月号-May Newsletter




英語ニュース Current Internet NEWS!! <新着ネットニュース>
英語のビデオ Video News (Domestic and World Events/国内&世界の動画ニュース)
American Idioms & Slang<アメリカのイディオム&スラング表現>
Grammar Study<今月の文法学習>
TOEICクイズ TOEIC Study Quiz<TOEICテスト>
Monthly Column – A Foreigner’s Life<今月のコラム:外国人の生活>
英語ポイント 最新記事: A Difficult Decision
–You can read the article below and use it in your lessons to discuss with your teacher.

Have you ever heard the expression "a picture is worth a thousand words"? Let’s take a deeper look into the meaning of why the above picture speaks volumes!




Q. How did the U.S. get Osama Bin Laden?

A. After September 11th, the U.S. retaliated against the Taliban and ultimately al-Queda, the terrorist network headed by Osama Bin Laden for the attacks on the World Trade Center. Then president, George Bush authorized the capture and "interrogation" of operatives believed linked to terrorist networks.

Over a period of years, the CIA gained invaluable information through live al Queda prisoners that Bin Laden had a few close aides whom still remained loyal to him and served as his trusted messenger. The CIA monitored and tracked the movements of these "aides" where they later determined to a probability of about 50% – 80% where Bin Laden most likely was hiding out.


【日本語訳】: 9月11日以降、米国はタリバン、そして後にはオサマ・ビン・ラディン氏の率いるテロリストネットワークであるアルカイダに、ワールド・トレード・センターに対する攻撃の報復を遂行した。当時のジョージ・ブッシュ大統領はテロリスト・ネットワークに関連すると思われるスパイの捕獲及び取調べを認可した。



Q. Why was the mission to pursue Bin Laden a difficult one to make?

A. The U.S. entered into an alliance with Pakistan because the belief was that Osama Bin Laden was seeking refuge in the mountains near the Afganistan/Pakistan borders. However, in this mission, President Obama had to decide whether or not to inform the Pakistani government prior to the mission. (U.S. intelligence officers felt that either the Pakistani government or "moles" inside the government were tipping off Bin Laden which may have compromised the mission.)

By giving the "green light" for the mission, President Obama was taking a huge gamble! Let’s consider what would have happened if Osama Bin Laden were not there? How many civilian casualties would there be? This type of "invasion" within the borders of a sovereign country would most likely be construed as an "act of war" that the U.S would have had to explain.

It worked out well for the U.S. in that Bin Laden was present in the compound and that forces the Pakistan government to be on the defensive in explaining why and how Bin Laden eluded them from right under their noses for so long.


【日本語訳】: オサマ・ビン・ラディン氏はアフガン・パキスタンの国境の山脈に非難していると信じられていたことから、アメリカはパキスタンと同盟を結んだ。だが、この任務においてオバマ大統領はその前にパキスタン政府に報告をするかどうかを決めなければならなかった。(アメリカの情報将校は、パキスタン政府または政府内の「スパイ」がビン・ラディンに情報を与えているのではないかと思っていた。)



"a picture is worth a thousand words" 百聞は一見にしかず
英語ポイントretaliate 報復
英語ポイントinterrogation 取調べ
英語ポイントoperatives スパイ
英語ポイントinvaluable 貴重な
英語ポイントaid 補助する
英語ポイントaide 助力者
英語ポイントalliance 同盟
英語ポイントrefuge 非難する
英語ポイントmole スパイ
英語ポイント"to tip s.b. off" 誰かに情報を与える
英語ポイント"green light" GOサインを出す (遂行するように命ずる)
英語ポイントcasualty 犠牲者
英語ポイントcompound 境内
英語ポイントelude 逃れる

English through videos with transcripts リスニング力を試そう!

Idioms & Expression
  Business English Expression and Phrases <ビジネス英会話フレーズ>
  -Learn expressions such as idioms and slang that is unique to culture, age, and business!
新しい英語表現: 文化・時代・ビジネスで使う特有なイディオム表現や俗語を覚えよう!
–Carl drops by Sam’s cubicle to give a quick update on the samples issue.–

I have one issue to update you on. We’re still short on samples for Greenfield Industries. We were only able to get 50 samples from our Singapore assembly and test site.


As of now, what’s our current status?


Our current status is 25% of plan. We have 50; we need 200. Mat said he can help us out for the remainder. He’s working on it.


It’s a deal breaker. We can’t move ahead with the technical troubleshooting without them. Greenfield Industries’ prototype for their new chip depends on getting the samples. I thought Robert comitted to supplying all the samples.

Carl: He did, but I didn’t get back to him the next day to confirm the order, so he had to decommit on 150. I wanted to check with you first, but you were on a business trip.

I see.


上記の会話の日本語訳はこちらをクリック’(印刷可): JAPANESE VERSION
"to update s.b. " 誰かに最新情報を提供する
"to be short on" (何かが)足りない
-the remainder (何かの)残り
"deal breaker" 約束違反を犯す人
-troubleshoot 問題を解決する(トラブルシューティング)
-prototype 試作品(プロトタイプ)
-"to get back to" 折り返し連絡する
-decommit 予約を取り消す
"Catch Up VS Keep UP" 今回はCatch upとKeep upの使い方を解説します。


English Grammar Study

–This section will cover a broad range of different grammar rules and explanations to help you understand sentence structure and improve awareness of English grammar.

  Continuing to learn different verb + prepositions and how meanings change?「動詞」+「前置詞」で意味の違いを学ぼう!
Here are some examples of different verb combinations:
 ? + Up  ? + Down  ? + off
-Show up/現れる・到着する
-Break down/ 壊れる
-Doze off/ 眠りにつく
-Clear up /良くなる
-Close down/ 倒産する
-Take off/ 離陸する
-Wake up /起きる
-Turn down/ æ–­ã‚‹
-Drive off/ 車で去る
Ex:① 文法ポイントWhy didn’t you show up at work yesterday?
Ex:② 文法ポイントIt was raining this morning but now it cleared up.
Ex:③ 文法ポイントI have to wake up at 7am every morning.
Ex:① 文法ポイントMy car broke down last Sunday.
Ex:② 文法ポイントMany language schools closed down after recession. 
Ex:③ 文法ポイントYou shouldn’t turn down this great offer.
Ex:① 文法ポイントI was just dozing off when you called me.
Ex:② 文法ポイントThe plane will take off shortly.
Ex:③ 文法ポイントA man got into the car and drove off.

Let’s learn how to use the above Phrasal Verbs! <練習問題>

Read each sentence and think which of the above verbs woudl be appropriate.
I arranged to meet Jennifer after work, but she didn’t ____________ .
My friend got a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, but she _____ him ______.
Please don’t _____________ the baby. It took my a long time to get him to sleep!
I become nervous everytime when the plane ______________.
Stacy started an auction business 5 years ago, but she __________ due to the security issue.
英語のクイズ I had many problems with my family, but it has all ____________ now.
英語のクイズ My car ____________ on the highway yesterday.
英語のクイズ Tom saw a man who kidnapped a little girl and _____________ last night.
英語のクイズ I always_________ during lunch time to get some extra rest.
Answers to above sentences:
Check back next month for the answers to the above questions. (回答は次月号で掲載します)
  Last Month’s Answers: 1. call off 2. go out 3. get through with 4. go over 5. go back 6. call on 7. get together 8. get in 9. go over
TOEICクイズ TOEIC STUDY – 読解問題Part 5 & リスニング問題(Part 2)


[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.members.eigopass.com/flashquiz/toeicsentence/Quiz 5/quiz.swf” width=”620″ height=”480″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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連載コラム:A Foreigner’s View (日本で生活する外国人)
  NEW! – My "Personal" view on Japan – By "John" (1of 2)

Hi Everyone and welcome to a new month and hope everyone had a great Golden Week.

In my blog this month, I am going to break from my usual writing topic and dig deeper into societal issues. I would like to take this opportunity to share my views on social topics that I have learned about with students and how the views of a foreigner may be different from (or the same as) Japanese opinion.

A current topic brought up during my lessons recently was sort of related to "Children’s Day" which is celebrated in Japan every year on May 5th, if memory serves me correctly 🙂 My students mentioned this day was set aside to celebrate "children" and to reflect on their importance for our nation.

This led me to ponder if children were so important then why are we having less and less children? Of course, I do understand the more industrialized and modern a country becomes, people in that country will naturally have less children. I guess it is just how the world works as lifestyles will inevitably change.

However, the dwindling population in Japan and especially how the "traditional" family values have changed over the years gives me cause for concern. My preconceived idea before coming to Japan was that it was customary for children to live with their parents even after marriage. Whether it be to save money to later be able to afford their own home or to stay close to their family to take care of their parents in their golden years, there seemed to have been a sense of family "unity".

Is this disappearing or do younger generations feel less "dependant" on their family? The better question to ask might be if younger generations prioritize their own life enjoyment or pursuit of happiness over their feeling of "obligation" to take care of their parents. As people no longer feel they can expect children to take care of them in old age, has this changed their desire to not "need" children?

What is the cause for people having less and less children? This is what I would like to address.

TOPIC 1: Why is the birthrate so low in Japan?

When I asked my students about this topic, most of them discuss various causes such as how expensive it is to pay for the upbringing of children. These expenses can range from what they have to pay to send their children to "cram schools" (jukus) or other things associated with childcare. Some also mention how difficult it is to get their children into daycare centers which makes it hard for them to go to work if they choose to continue their career. A few of them go a step further and point out differing lifestyles of the new generation vs the old generation.

Their reasoning is that the "younger" generation is prioritizing more on the enjoyment of life rather than building a family at an early age.

Though I do understand the above points are all valid ones, I feel the issue is deeper. I would like to fully address my views in my next blog… to be continued…

If you would like to express your views on why the birthrate is so low in Japan, please comment below with your opinion. I would love to hear your thoughts!