Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 9

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 9
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To wake up: to arise from sleep, to awaken.
起きる、目が覚める、目を覚ます Ex: I always wake up at six in the morning. (私はいつも朝6時に起きる。)
To be in charge of: to manage, to have responsibilty for.
~を担当[管理]して、~を任されて、~を預かって Ex: They just pitched on who would be in charge of the project. (彼らは、このプロジェクトの責任者を誰にするか決めた。)
As soon as: just after, when.
~するとすぐに、~するや否や Ex: As soon as I got to the city, I fell in love with it. (町に到着するや否や、私はその町に恋をしました。)
To have a good time: to enjoy oneself.
楽しい時[時間]を過ごす、楽しく過ごす Ex: He is a person who doesn’t know how to have a good time. (彼は人生を楽しめない人です。)
In no time: very quickly, rapidly. This idiom can be usedwith the idiom ‘at all’ to add emphasis to the certainty of the statement.
すぐに、すぐさま、一瞬にして[のうちに] Ex: Leave it. It will dry in no time. (放っておきなさい。すぐに乾くから。)
To cut down on: to reduce, to lessen (also: to cut back on).
~を減らす、~を削減する Ex: We had to downsize to cut down on costs. (私たちは経費を削るため人員削減をしなければなりませんでした。)
To crack down on: to enforce or punish strictly.
~をぴしゃりとたたく Ex: INS started to crack down on those with expired visas. (移民局は失効したビザを持つ者を厳しく取り締まり始めた。)
Quite a few: many.
かなりの数、相当数 Ex: Quite a few companies from all over the country have inquired about the book. (全国の企業からその本についてかなりの問い合わせが寄せられている。)
Used to: formerly did, had the habit of. This idiom is used to indicate a post situation, action, or habit that does not exist in the present. The idiom is always followed by a simple verb form.
よく~したものだ、昔は~していた Ex: I used to go shopping with my mother, but I don’t any more. (以前は母と一緒に買い物に行ってたけど今はもう行かない。)
To be used to: be accustomed to. This idiom refers to a situation, action, or habit that continues in the present. The idiom is always followed by a noun or gerund phrase.
~に慣れている Ex: He is not used to being spoken to in this way. (彼はこんなふうに話す人に慣れていない。)
To get used to: to become used to, to become adjusted to. This idiom describes the process of change that allows someone to be used to a situation, action or habit.
~に慣れる、~になじむ Ex: When you get used to the job, you’ll feel enriched. (仕事に慣れれば充実してくるよ。)
Back and forth: in a backward and forward motion.
前後に、あちこちへ[に]、行ったり来たり(して) Ex: The lead in the match kept changing back and forth. (試合は逆転また逆転の連続だった。) 
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