Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 14

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 14
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To eat in / to eat out: to eat at home / to eat in a restaurant.
家で食事をする/外食する Ex: Let’s eat out this evening, shall we? (今晩は外食[外で食事を]しようか?)
Cut and dried: predictable, known beforehand; boring.
陳腐な、あらかじめ用意された、決まり切った Ex: But the issues are not so cut and dried. (しかし、問題は、そのように決まり切っていません。)
To look after: to watch, to supervise, to protect (also: to take care of, to keep an eye on).
~の世話をする、~に気を配る Ex: I had to look after my little sister while my parents were away. ( 両親の外出中、私は妹の面倒を見なければならなかった。)
To feel like: to have the desire to, to want to consider. This idiom is usually followed by a gerund (the ‘-ing’ form of a verb used as a noun)
~したい(ような)気がする、~したい気分である Ex: What do you feel like doing on your day off? (休みには何をしたいですか?)
Once and for all: finally, absolutely.
今回限りで、これっきり Ex: It’s time to say goodbye to war once and for all. (いまこそ戦争にきっぱりと別れを告げるときです。)
To hear from:

to recieve news or information from. ‘To hear from’ is used for recieving a letter, telephone call, etc., from a person or organization.

~から聞く[連絡をもらう] Ex: Did you hear from the chief after you left our company? (退社後、チーフから連絡をもらいましたか。)
To hear of: to know about, to be familiar with; to consider. The second definition is always used in the negative.
~について聞く, ~についてのうわさを聞く Ex: I was saddened to hear of the fatalities related to the accident. (その事故に関連した死亡者のことを聞いて悲しく思った。)
To make fun of: to laugh at, to joke about.
~を物笑いの種にする Ex: Don’t make fun of me. (私をからかうのはやめて。)
To come true: to become reality, to prove to be correct.
本当になる、実現する Ex: The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. (夢を実現するのに一番良いのは目を覚ますことである。)
As a matter of fact: really, actually (also: in fact).
実は、実を言うと[言えば]、実際のところ Ex: As a matter of fact, I don’t think Tokyo really has spring or at least not much. (実際のところ東京に本当に春があるとは思えないし、少なくとも、それほど長くはない。)
To have one’s way: to arrange matters the way one wants (especially when someone else doesn’t want the same way) (also: to get one’s way)
好きなようにする、勝手にする、我を張る Ex: I’m not going to let you have your way anymore. (これ以上、おまえに好き勝手をさせるわけにはいかない。)
To look forward to: to expect or anticipate with pleasure. This idiom can be followed by a regular noun or a gerund.
~を楽しみに待つ Ex: I’ve been looking forward to having a chance to talk to you. (あなたとお話ができるチャンスをずっと楽しみにしていました。)
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