Phrasal Expressions – Lesson 19

Phrasal Expressions : Lesson 19
  -Read the following and test your understanding by taking the quiz below
To bite off: to accept as a responsibility or task. This idiom is often used when one accepts more responsibility than one can handle alone. It is usually used in the form ‘to bite off more than one can chew’.
無理をする、背伸びする、手に余ることを企てる Ex: Joan is biting off more than she can chew with this course. (ジョアンは無理をしてこのコースを取っている。)
To tell apart: to distinguish between (also: to tell from).
見分ける Ex: We can easily tell apart this one and that one. (これとあれとは簡単に見分けがつく。)
All in all: considering everything.
全部で、全体で Ex: All in all, it was a positive experience.  (まあ、それはいい経験だった。)
To pass out: to distribute (also: to hand out); to lose consciousness. The verbal indiom ‘to hand out’ can be made into the noun ‘handout’ to refer to items that are distributed.
意識を失う、配布する Ex: It was so hot that I was afraid I would pass out if I worked outside. (とても暑かったので、外で作業をしたら倒れないかと心配だった。)
To go around: to be sufficient or adequate for everyone present; to circulate, to move from place to place.
〔十分な量が〕みんなに行き渡る、~の周りを進む[回る] Ex: Many joggers go around the palace at lunchtime. (昼どきには多くのジョギング愛好者が宮殿の周りを走っている。)
To be in the/one’s way: to block or obstruct; not to be helpful, to cause inconvenience (for both, also: to get in the/one’s way).

Ex: Am I in the way? (お邪魔ですか?)

To put on: to gain (pounds or weight); to present, to perform.
〔体重が〕増す、〔レコードなどを〕かける Ex: I’ll put on the old 45’s. (45回転の古いレコードをかけてみよう。)
To put up: to construct, to erect; to lift, to raise upwards.
建てる, ~を上げる

Ex: We decided to put up our tents early. (私たちは、テントを早く張らなければならない、と判断しました。)

To put up with: to tolerate, to accept unwillingly.
~に耐える、〔じっと〕~に我慢する Ex: How can you put up with the bad treatment you get at the office? (会社でひどい扱いを受けているのに、よく我慢してるね。)
In vain: useless, without the desired result.
〔努力などが〕無駄に Ex: I tried in vain to persuade him to accept the job offer. (私はその仕事の申し出を受け入れるよう彼を説得してみたが無駄だった。)
Day in and day out: continuosly, constantly (also: day after day; for longer periods of time, year in and year out and year after year).
毎日毎日、来る日も来る日も、明けても暮れても Ex: They worked day in and day out, even in bad weather. (たとえ天候が悪くても、彼らは朝から晩まで働いた。)
To catch up: to work with the purpose of fulfilling a requirement or being equal to others. The idiom is often followed by the preposition ‘with’ and a noun phrase. It is similar in meaning to ‘to keep up with’ from Lesson 17.
~に追い付く、~について行く、~と肩を並べる Ex: I’m having a hard time trying to catch up with everyone. (皆に追いつこうと一生懸命やっています。)
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